What is Climate change and its two leading causes?

Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as climate change. Natural processes, such as oscillations in the solar cycle, could cause these changes. But since the 1800s, human activities—primarily the combustion of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas—have been the primary cause of climate change. By trapping the sun’s heat and boosting temperatures, greenhouse gas emissions produced by burning fossil fuels behave as a blanket over the planet. Students of class 5 get to study climate and its changes. They often struggle to understand the basics of it. However, their parents seek online tuition for class 5. There are various online tuitions available in today’s world. Online tuition is very beneficial because students get well-experienced tutors.

Additionally, class 5 online coaching teaches that Carbon dioxide and methane are two examples of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. These are produced, for instance, while burning coal or gasoline to heat a building. Additionally, when removing forests and other lands, carbon dioxide can be produced. Waste landfills primarily produce methane emissions. The significant emitters are energy, industry, transportation, buildings, agriculture, and land use.

What causes climate change?

Fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and gas, are by far the most significant cause of climate change, contributing more than 75% of all greenhouse gas emissions and almost 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions. However, in online tuition for class 5, you receive the correct information about the causes of climate change. Tutors of online tuition are very knowledgeable. 

Global warming and climate change result from this. The rate of global warming is presently higher than it has ever been. Weather patterns shift due to warming temperatures and upset the natural order. This puts us and all other life on Earth in grave danger.

The two causes are:

Generating power

Burning coal, oil, or gas still supplies most of the world’s electricity, producing carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, two potent greenhouse gases that cover the planet and trap the sun’s heat. In online coaching classes for class 5, tutors help to understand fossil fuels in detail. They focus on not only your grades but also your knowledge. 

Destroying forests

When forests are cleared to make space for farms, pastures, or other uses, emissions rise because the carbon that the trees have been storing is released when they are cut down. Annual forest fires burn an estimated 12 million hectares of land. Forests absorb carbon dioxide, so cutting them down decreases nature’s ability to keep emissions out of the atmosphere.

Furthermore, many students are taking online tutoring services to help them excel in their exams. Parents trust online tutors as they provide a daily progress report. Nowadays, online tuitions have more benefits than traditional tuition. It would be best if you also enrolled your children in online tuition to make their future brighter.

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Published by Anjali Mathur

I am a education Counselor in Noida Uttar Pradesh India and education advisor also @ www.sssi.in

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